As the dog days of summer are now in full swing, many of you are out enjoying the great outdoors. This is a great time of year to go camping or take the boat out to the lake. Some of the best vacations I have been on are at the lake. At Famers Mutual Insurance we know that your camper and your boat can be sizable investments.
We are here to protect them and to give you peace of mind when you are on the highway, in the campground, or at the lake.
Common Camping Claims
Common Boat Claims
If you have a place at the lake, you can also insure your boat hoist and/or dock with Farmers Mutual.
We hope you have a great time with your campers and boats, and want to remind you that we can provide the coverage you need for your property.
Check out our webpage at for a list of agents in your area who can help get your property covered with Farmers Mutual Insurance of Hull.