Farmers Mutual Community Involvement

High School Scholarship

Each year Farmers Mutual awards twenty $1,000 scholarships to high school seniors in northwest Iowa. Applications are made available around the first of the year and the deadline to submit them is the first week of March.
We work with area guidance counselors to make these forms available to the students, and they are also available here. Any high school senior in our writing territory whose parents have a policy with Farmers Mutual is eligible to apply.
The quality of applicants for these scholarships has been outstanding. Academics, extra-curricular activities, church and community involvement are all considered when these awards are given.
It has been our privilege to help hundreds of deserving students further their education at the college or university of their choice.
Farmers Mutual Fire Department Grant Program

Farmers Mutual Insurance is dedicated to helping the local fire departments that protect your community. Our fire department grant program donates over $75,000 per year to fire departments in our writing territory.
These grants have helped local fire departments purchase equipment, trucks, and gear for their volunteer fire fighters. We know these individuals are on the front lines of protecting your community, and we are excited to partner with them through this grant program.
An important part of this program are our local agents in the communities we serve. Our agents are the people who nominate the fire departments and submit the applications on behalf of their local department. This has been a great partnership over the years and we plan on continuing this program for years to come.
Charitable Giving

Symbol and shape of heart created from hands.The concept of unity, cooperation, partnership, teamwork and charity.
Giving back to our communities is important to our company. Over the years we have been dedicated to doing exactly that. Our employees are given the opportunity each year to designate where they would like a portion of the companies donations to go. Many of the employees take this opportunity to help charitable causes within their own community. The following is a list of some of the local organizations we have supported: